Linda Amos 2ECP, Inc. was established to help home health agencies navigate the complex rules and regulations of home health reimbursement. It is our mission to work with home health agencies in the State of Colorado to ensure that each claim sent to the State of Colorado, the Medicare MAC, or commercial insurance meets the required guidelines for home health reimbursement by the federal government, the state, and the commercial insurance companies.

ECP, Inc. is a registered billing agent with CGS,and the State of Colorado, we provide billing services for agencies that need and want someone who knows the rules and regulations of home health reimbursement. ECP, Inc. does not just key punch claims, we actually review all the documentation in the chart to verify that all requirements are met prior to sending a claim. All notes, MD orders, Oasis information, Face to Face documentation, etc. is reviewed prior to sending any claims. We are an intricate part of the home health agency’s team. We work closely with all office personal to make sure reimbursement is justified. Our clients are kept up to date on any changes to the Federal and State regulations regarding reimbursement.

ECP, Inc. also provides consulting services, mock billing surveys and audit services. We can also assist with post pay reviews and RAC audits.

Currently ECP, Inc. provides billing services for twenty-five (25) agencies in the state of Colorado.

Linda Amos, the President and owner of ECP, has a total of twenty (20) years of professional experience in preparing and submitting claims to HCPF, Medicare Intermediaries, and Commercial Insurance companies. The last eighteen (18) years have been with ECP, Inc. Prior to establishing this billing company Linda Amos worked as the Assistant Administrator and was responsible for preparing and submitting claims to HCPF, and Medicare Intermediaries.

Throughout the last twenty (20) years, Linda has become familiar with federal and state regulations that apply to reimbursement for Home Health Agencies, Home Care Based Services, Adult Day Care Centers, and Children’s Habilitation Residential Program, and DME/Supplies. ECP, Inc., and its employees have become very familiar with the documentation necessary to substantiate a claim that is being submitted to CGS for Medicare reimbursement and HCPF for Medicaid reimbursement. Linda has also communicates with the professional staff at CGS Medical Review and HCPF Program integrity unit to obtain guidance on Medicare and HCPF’s interpretation of specific federal and state regulations that apply to billing practices.